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Unapologetically Human with Dan Boivin

Apr 13, 2023

In this episode, I share a conversation with my friend, David, a mental health professional, musician, and one of the most genuinely caring and insightful people I know. 

Follow David on IG @colouring.daydreams!
Check out David's debut album here!


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Topics covered/touched upon in this episode: 

• David's Christian upbringing and later conversion to Islam, including some of his favourite stories from the Koran

• Examining your life's trajectory, including some of the most important questions in doing so, and standing up for what you believe in against the violent mob

• Living in a post-secular world and how people are adopting new religious-like ideologies and pseudo-religious belief systems

• Being a slave to part of yourself it seems like you can't control, the differences between the prefrontal cortex and the brain stem, and how important it is to learn to have conversations between them 

• Saying you believe in God, but not having a relationship with God

• That we are spiritual beings but that we try to feed our spiritual needs through physical means and how it fails us


Other things mentioned/to check out: 

Series: Foundations of Islam by Hamza Yusuf


UH's theme music was composed by Akira The Don. He's amazing...check out his MEANINGWAVE UNIVERSE!

Lyrics and co-production by, yours truly, Max Draxby.