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Unapologetically Human with Dan Boivin

May 26, 2022

Today's episode is about the beauty of blossoming new friendships. 

Topics covered/touched upon:

• How mindblowing different languages are/communication in general.

• Creativity, art and entrepreneurship, how we go through creative phases, and even creating ourselves is a creative process.

• Monetizing our creative pursuits.

• Making declarations and commitments, and how synchronicities show up in our lives.

• How big a part of our life work is and how so many people have, as David Graeber put it, Bullshit Jobs.

• How so many of us die spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, long before physically.

• Everything being a chaotic gongshow mess.

Road to Hope, a program I took a few years ago about understanding and healing from childhood trauma.

• "The Secret" of manifestation.

• The scientific story/explanation of the universe/multiverse.

• Learning to pay attention to how our interests choose us, and jumping on magical opportunities.

• Ethical Non-Monogamy and Polyamory.

• Integrating massive core identity changes.

• Having conversations with ourselves and "council meetings" with our higher selves.

• Taking risks in the face of resistance, internal barriers, and defense mechanisms, and using fear as the roadmap we should head toward rather than away from.

• Figuring life out as we go, and going with the flow.


Other things mentioned/to check out:
• My friend Tactile Mind's erotic braille art.


UH's theme music was composed by Akira The Don. He's amazing, check out his MEANINGWAVE YouTube channel here!


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