Feb 10, 2020
Oh, where to start? So many things with these crazy minds of ours.
In this episode, I riff on the many things at the heart of the resistance we experience when we want to change or improve something about ourselves or the circumstances of our lives, and the mental blocks and challenges that keep us from creating the things we so desperately feel we want to, yet, consistently don't take action on.
Mentioned in this episode:
• The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton
• High-performance success coach, Marissa Peer
Things to check out:
• Tim Urban's TED Talk, Inside the Mind of a Master
Procrastinator, and his most popular, 3-post blog series on the
• Host of The New Man Podcast, Tripp Lanier's, summary of Steven
Pressfield's book The War of Art, on How to Crush Resistance,
Procrastination, and Excuses
• Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris' TED Talk, How Childhood Trauma Affects
Health Across a Lifetime
Clip used from one of my favourite songs, Burgs ft. Harrison Lake by Mt. Wolf.